Curriculum Vitae
Christoph Winkelmann
Gesellschaftsstrasse 39
3012 Bern
phone: (41) 31 530 06 63
Specialist in numerical methods for flow simulations
PhD in applied mathematics with background in mechanical engineering
fluent in english, german, french and italian
Degrees and Education
2004-2007 PhD in applied mathematics at EPF Lausanne
2001-2004 degree in computational science and engineering, with distinction, at ETH Zόrich (equiv. M.Sc)
1997-2001 degree of mechanical engineer FH, with distinction, at Bern University of Applied Sciences (equiv. B.Sc)
Professional experience
2013- ETH Zurich, Seminar of Applied Mathematics: Scientific Software Developer
2008-2013 Philip Morris International: Scientist in numerical modeling and simulation
1993-1997 U. Ammann Maschinenfabrik AG, Langenthal: Apprenticeship as technical draftsman
Numerical Simulation
Finite element methods, incompressible flow simulation, (nearly) incompressible elasticity, multiphase flow, level set method, reinitialization, Navier-Stokes equations, preconditioning
Computer Science
Implementation of flow solvers, design patterns in object oriented and generic programming
PhD Thesis
Interior penalty finite element approximation of Navier-Stokes equations and application to free surface flows.
Master's thesis
A Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Elastic Waves in Nearly Incompressible Materials.
German: Mother tongue
English: Fluent (Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English, grade A)
French: Fluent (7 semesters of teaching in french as graduate teaching assistant at EPF Lausanne)
Italian: Fluent (3 years of PhD studies in italian majority research group)
Lausanne-Sports Rowing Club: coaching of amateur rowers and co-organisation of rowing tours in Europe
Orchestre d'Yverdon-les-Bains: playing violoncello
